The Benefits of Playing Sports Aren’t Just Physical! The physical benefits of competitive sports are the most obvious. Much attention has been given to the role of sports and exercise in decreasing the rates of obesity in our nation’s youth. While lower body mass...
Elite Athletes Visualize Their Obstacles to Push Past Them “I decided to go all in and immerse myself in the belief that I can run my fastest mile.” As I started thinking about whether I could really do it again, something that frequently popped up in my search...
What Is Sabotaging Your Performance? Thoughts lead to emotions which lead to bodily feelings which leads to performance and actions. Thoughts >> Emotions >> Feelings >> Performance/Action. If the self-sabotaging mind is your challenge, The R.A.C.E....
Sports: Become an Emotional Master Athlete – Are you an emotional master on the field? Sports can evoke a wide range of emotions, from inspiration, pride, exhilaration, and satisfaction, to fear, frustration, anger, and panic, often in a very short time span...
Mental and emotional training is a component that some athletes dismiss, but is crucial in maintaining composure under stress and to improving athletic performance. I provide simple and effective technology that gives athletes training for the ability to increase...