Elite Athletes Visualize Their Obstacles to Push Past Them “I decided to go all in and immerse myself in the belief that I can run my fastest mile.” As I started thinking about whether I could really do it again, something that frequently popped up in my search...
How Proper Breathing Can Boost Sports Performance We go on breathing whether or not we pay attention to it, so it may seem as though there wouldn’t be a need for practicing different ways of breathing. But given that oxygen is our most essential nutrient for...
When I work with my clients, I coach them on how to be in the state of flow. I also teach them the science behind what it takes to get their heart, brain, and nervous system into alignment so that they may achieve a peak state of performance. However, for the...
Rule number one is to always remember why you fell in love with tennis. This first rule is so important because without remembering why you fell in love with tennis in the first place, you may soon resent all of the other elements involved in playing tennis that are...