When we say I don’t know to all of the things we thought we previously knew or believed in, it is liberating to the mind. It relinquishes control of the sub-conscious mind and hands it over to the conscious one. The conscious mind is the one that is focused on the present moment. The one that can see an experience for how it truly is.

The conscious mind does not rely on past experiences or previously held beliefs to direct its attention. It is the one that is focused on your life that is playing out in front of you right NOW.

Your conscious mind is life itself unfolding before your eyes. This mind is free to form its own opinion and perspective based what you see with a clear lens that has no filters upon it that you might have had on the previous day. Such as a blind man might do when suddenly opening his eyes for the first time and seeing vibrant colors. Instead of the lifeless colors he had imagined based on the opinions of what other well-intentioned people had told him that colors looked and felt like.

I am suggesting that in the beginning of your day when most people normally start assuming how their day is going to play out based on what the previous day brought to them, that you stop yourself and say I don’t know. Start your day with a new assumption, one that says I do not have any idea what this day will bring me but I cannot wait to find out!

This new perspective opens your eyes and views the world to be fresh and exciting, where there is no end to the possibilities of what life can show you. This perspective helps you see characteristics of life that you may have prejudged before based on tired beliefs that you have held onto and no longer benefits you.

Leave your mind to be curious and interested, like a child reading a book for the first time and experiencing a new adventure. You might be surprised at what you will find out about yourself and the people you interact with.

I am asking you to give your sub-conscious mind a break and let go of your pre-conceived ideas and beliefs about people and circumstances that you come in contact with, even if it is just for one day. Go into each interaction using your conscious mind and viewing the experience with a clear lens to see how vibrant life can truly be.

Life is more interesting that way!

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