Mental and emotional training is a component that some athletes dismiss, but is crucial in maintaining composure under stress and to improving athletic performance.

I provide simple and effective technology that gives athletes training for the ability to increase emotional resilience, reaction time and accurate decision making.

“Mental and Emotional Training is a component that most athletes tend to forget until they are under extreme pressure to perform.” – Jennifer Heistand

StillPoint Performance

A stillpoint is the place where your mind and body are in perfect alignment. It is where your mental clarity and focus along with your athletic ability coincide so that you may achieve your optimal level of success…



A Brief List of the Nine Mental Skills Successful Athletes:

  1. Choose and maintain a positive attitude.
  2. Maintain a high level of self-motivation.
  3. Set high, realistic goals.
  4. Deal effectively with people.
  5. Use positive self-talk.
  6. Use positive mental imagery.
  7. Manage anxiety effectively.
  8. Manage their emotions effectively.
  9. Maintain concentration.



The Mindset Of A Champion Motivational Video

Your mindset is your state of mind that is fixed on reaching certain outcomes, creating a sense of momentum towards reaching them by giving you a powerful incentive to do whatever it takes….


Emotional intelligence in sports: The game within the game

Success in sport is often associated with vigor and anger. Importantly, emotionally intelligent people can get themselves into the appropriate emotional states for the demands of the situation. If the situation requires high arousal, emotionally intelligent people are good at getting themselves psyched up and prepared. Equally, if the situation requires calmness, emotionally intelligent people are good at relaxing themselves. Athletes that perform in the zone effective regulate their emotions…



The Importance of having Emotional Intelligence in sport and education

Advice and thoughts from Steven Round and students regarding why emotional intelligence is important in sport and education…


Dr. Bob Rotella: My 10 Rules On Mental Fitness – Golf Digest

10 Rules For How To Win Your Major – Golf

Believe you can win… I still remember my first major, the 1985 city championship in Charlottesville, Va. Back then I didn’t play a lot of golf, but I wanted to see how good the players in my town were. I shot in the 80s and finished third from last. When I got done, I decided to follow the leaders so I could see how my game compared. After watching them for 18 holes, my evaluation was this…



Reaching the Next Level of Athletic Performance With Jennifer Heistand

Thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on the heart’s rhythm, and this rhythm impacts performance. Under pressure, stressful thoughts and emotions cause the heart’s rhythm to become irregular and jagged. This incoherent pattern inhibits brain function and diminishes the visual field, reduces reaction speed, and impairs decision making.

I use software that gives athletes the ability to identify when their heart is racing and be able to do something about it. I teach athletes techniques for the ability to control themselves while under pressure and in intense situations so that they may use those situations to their best advantage.

I utilize a unique training system for athletes who want to master their emotions. Athletes will see how their thoughts and emotions affect the heart’s rhythm in real time and learn how to get coherent on demand…


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